is for everyone
Every person whose life is improved or saved, stems from an act of generosity that’s purely voluntary. That’s why donating is so extraordinary when you do it.
We help create affordable Supportive housing
We put that belief to work by creating housing opportunities for veterans, people living with disabilities, and individuals experiencing homelessness. Community Housing Sonoma County (“CHSC”) is a local leader in the development of supportive housing communities where people find not only a home, but also access to assist them in living meaningful, healthier lives in a supportive environment.
We are a local leader in the development of supportive housing communities.
About Us
Since 1994, CHSC has helped create affordable housing for more than 365 people.
Get Involved
Whether you contribute financially or as a volunteer, you can make a difference.

Check out recent projects press coverage.
Our Impact
Each project developed is unique, creating different types of rental housing environments, serving a variety of people with special needs, using a wide array of financing tools. CHSC’s work impacts individual lives, families, and our community infrastructure, health, and safety.
Learn more about our cause
Since 1994, CHSC has helped create affordable housing for more than 365 people, supportive housing for 203 people, leveraging over $85 million in financing from local, state, and federal sources.
Thank You to our sponsers

CHSC Transportation Program for Veterans
Thanks to generous grants from PG&E, CHSC provides low-income veterans living in rural areas transportation assistance getting to and from Veteran’s Administration Clinics or Hospitals for inpatient and specialty medical services. CHSC provides veterans who qualify with free taxi or bus vouchers for round-trip transportation to medical appointments. Please contact the CHSC office if you are interested in utilizing this program or would like more information.
Learn how you can help
CHSC Offices
131-A Stony Circle, Suite 500
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
(707) 578-2338, Office
(707) 578-2339, Fax